Tuesday, April 28, 2015
We know a lot about frogs.
Today we learned how to use a graphic organizer to show what we know. We used an app called Popplet. Here is our popplet all about frogs. We are creating popplets about many other things as well stay tuned!
Give a dog a bone!
We learned a new math game online. We can play it on our smart board. We are teaching each other strategies for finding the hidden numbers. We are really trying to be brave and share our thinking because it helps others even if we don't get the answer right we are still helping others learn. You could try the game at home
You can find it on the web at
It is called Dogbone.
Monday, April 27, 2015
We are beginning a map investigation....with some help from our new friend Super Map! Today we drew our very own maps....looks like we are off to a good start! " if there's a place you gotta go I can get you there I know, I'm a map!"
Enjoying a night of celebration
Student led conferences were a great success. The children enjoyed sharing their learning. There were a lot of proud kiddos and a lot of smiling parents! (Especially the ones who solved our math strategy scavenger hunt!)
How did you get smart today? What are you proud of?
During the day we often get together in a sharing circle to share with everyone what we are doing to get smart and boy oh boy are we proud to show and tell what we have accomplished. We are authors, poets, readers, math wizards, scientists, community activists, multimedia artists, and the list goes on and on....and we are just beginning this great adventure in school....the sky is the limit when you believe in your self and always challenge yourself. We find inspiration in others and strive to "do our best always....be proud!"
Monday, April 20, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Math tubs have ignited so many sparks!
Our math tubs are so much fun the children beg for more time with them everyday. The cooperative learning, discussions and development of deeper understanding are absolutely priceless.
gather round my friends ...
Inspired by a Poem
We read are learning about poems. We were reading some today and we came across one by Robert Louis Stevenson called Block City. It inspired us to begin a city inquiry. We used our imaginations to create cities and we learned all about what we need in a city .....oohhhh. Did we have fun...oh yeah and more to come!!!!
April showers bring May flowers

We were talking about plants in spring. We learned about seeds, leaf buds, flower blossoms and that plants need warmth, sun, soil and water to thrive. We used our watercolour paints to create a spring sky with a budding tree. They are so beautiful they are going to be displayed in the main hall at the front of the school. We are very proud..
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