Friday, October 30, 2015
Happy Halloween!
We had a wonderful day! We celebrated with the traditional Stevenson costume parade. Then we shook it up a bit and had a dance in the gym. Followed by a party food buffet in the class. "Here's to food, friends, and lots of fun!" Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
We used a new art form to demonstrate our understanding of a science topic...plants in fall. We understand that living things grow and change. Right now in Manitoba living things are preparing for the cold weather coming.
Math stations in action

We have some new stations to help practice our math skills. We are patterning, counting on, recognizing numbers before and after, and building numbers using part part whole thinking(adding) all with a little bit of FUN mixed in. Check out our smiles!!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
What does a good learner do?
In our sharing circle we talked about things good learners do to get smarter. We shared some things we do to be good learners.
Parker : I listened carefully to the story today
Grace: I tried to do neat printing
Avery: I practiced counting
Sebastian: I organized my thoughts in my brain
Sophie:I stayed calm
Isabella: I listened to the teacher talk about Fall
Malaysia: I listened
Daisy:I sat still at the carpet
Remington:I followed the teachers directions
Jace: I got started right away
Annalynn: I was a role model when others were talking
Brodie: I checked the pictures in the book
Justine: I checked the beginning sound of words
Jakob: I practiced reading my book
Renee: I made a connection
Xander: I learned how to print the letter p
It is great to see the children begin to make reflections on their learning. It inspires others when they share their success!
It was one of those days....
We had a guest reader visit our room. Mrs Mitchell came and read us a story called "one of those days". It was about having days where things go wrong and make you sad. We talked about "turning the frown upside down" and having one of THOSE days where things go great! And looking on the bright side! We talked about how we have happy days and shared what things make us happy. We were all smiling after that! It was one of those days!!!!
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Bus ridership
Bus driver bob came to help us practice being safe on a school bus. We learned about the danger zone, how to sit and be safe. We also practiced exiting the bus through the rear emergency door. It was fun!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
We are learning to be actors
We have an actor visiting our room for the next few days. Her name is Laura and she is a real actor who has been in many shows all over the world! She also has done voices for a variety of cartoons. We are learning all kinds of acting techniques such as tableau, mime, chorus, and improv. We have learned to use our imagination and have fun!!!
Thursday, October 08, 2015
Fall has arrived
We ready a story today that was about two little girls who loved fall. They didn't really feel like fall had arrived because the leaves were not falling off the trees so they hatched a plan to help. We made many predictions as to what they could do (and we learned that making predictions Is a great comprehension strategy). We acted out some of the plans pretending we were leaves, cheerleaders, and finally we helped the girls sing the leaves off... It worked! Here is the result. Look at the art we created entitled "Dreamy Falling Leaves. ( the book was full of descriptive interesting words!)
Walk to School
We had so much fun today walking to school together. Our local community police even joined in the fun! By the time we got to school we were all in fantastic moods full of fresh air and ready to get started. Our morning went amazing!
Wednesday, October 07, 2015
Amazing Assembly
We gathered together as a school to celebrate the time we have spent together building community within our classrooms. Each class was invited to bring something to show that tells about what makes them special. Some classes brought art, books, or objects. Others sang songs or showed pictures. We brought the book we made about being special. We are all special in our own way! That is definitely something to celebrate!
Teaching each other
We have begun to work on math concepts through cooperative teaching/learning stations. The children have been learning how to use the stations, how to take turns, how to use "teacher talk" when supporting each other while they discover new concepts and build on prior learning. The stations are meant to foster independence, provide differentiated learning opportunities and most of all make math fun! So far so good.....
Monday, October 05, 2015
International day of the Teacher
We are teachers too! We can teach others so much because we are all special and unique. We spent time today thinking what we are good at. We can be role models for each other. Then we wrote about our friends and how we want to be just like them because they are role models for us! We shared our thoughts at sharing circle time. There were a lot of proud kids when they heard that their friends look up to them!
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