Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Read to self.

We have begun to learn about Daily 5. It is a language arts program that gives the students the opportunity to practice their skills independently.   The first of the 5 is Read To Self.  The kids are taught to choose good fit books and build their reading stamina by engaging in reading by themselves.  We are up to 9 minutes of sustained reading right now.   During this Daily 5 time the teacher works with small groups and individuals on reading and writing skills.   Our next endeavour will be learning how to do Read to Someone.  We are very excited! 


  1. Great work, boys and girls!

  2. Well, reading every night has really done wonders for Kieran's reading skills and hopefully all of you boys and girls love it too! Keep up the good work! Jillian-Kieran's mom :)
